Our goal is to collect stories of triumph, lament, and celebration. We want to hear how God has worked in your life, leading you to champion the value of human life at every stage.

Here are some guidelines to help you plan:
When writing your story, try to aim for 600-1200 words. Please include your name and contact information in your document.
If uploading pictures, please choose pictures with high resolution (not fuzzy when enlarged). Please put your name in the filename before you upload. (i.e. ppl_testimony.jpg) You can do this often by right-clicking a file and selecting "Rename".
Help us identify which life issues your story addresses (abortion, fertility, special needs, miscarriage, end of life care, suicide, etc)
If you have access to a video camera, laptop, or cell phone, feel free to share a video of your story. Contact us for details on sending your video to us. (Natural light from windows can really help lighting and clear audio will help your story be heard)
I understand that I am being asked to tell a personal story on a video/document that may be uploaded to the Presbyterians Protecting Life website or shared at events in which PPL has presence. I am making this video voluntarily in order to encourage others who might be experiencing similar events and circumstances. I understand that the video/document might be edited for length; and that there is no guarantee that the video/document will be used. I understand that I will not be paid for telling my story. I hereby give my permission to Presbyterians Protecting Life to use this video/document as they see fit, and I hereby release Presbyterians Protecting Life from any liability or claim in connection with the use of my story video/document .