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Compelled by the Gospel, PPL equips Presbyterians to champion human life at every stage

Prayer of Confession

Submitted by PPL Board Member, Rev. Ellen Campbell Gardner

January 2020


Jesus, you tell us to become like little children, to take the lowly position of a child and to welcomes all such children in His name. You say that if we lived like this we would have life, our home would be your Kingdom.



We have not lived in humility as your children. We have not had faith in you that believes all things, hopes all things. We have been childish, elevating our limited understanding above your eternal understanding.


Lord, Have mercy on us. Forgive!


In our arrogance, the birthing cry of millions are silenced each and every year and we fear, a millstone of choice fills the empty arms of countless mothers and fathers straining to forget and silently praying that no one will ever find them out. We have not honored the life you made and forgotten the one you gave for each and everyone of us.


Lord, have mercy. Forgive!


In our spiritual neglect, our children hear James and think LaBron and basketball, not disciple and salvation. Doom Eternal is a video game not the destination of a life lived without God. Jesus’ name a curse not the source of Life Eternal. We have not made disciples as you called us to do.


Lord, have mercy. Forgive!


Save us from childishness and restore the childlikeness you created in us before time itself. Remind us, Lord, with humility and faith, that sin and death are never more powerful than forgiveness and life. ABBA! Father, May we choose life! (Please, take a moment for silent meditation.)




Assurance of Pardon


*“Thus says the LORD:

Cease your cries of mourning,

wipe the tears from your eyes.

The sorrow you have shown

shall have its reward,…

There is hope for your future.”


Believe the good news of God’s Word, the Old and the New. In Jesus Christ you are forgiven. Let all God’s children say,




*–Jeremiah 31:15-17

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